Fulminanter Sieg bei „we love mma 46“





Am 23.02.19 fand in München die Veranstaltung „we love mma 46“ statt.
Für Kiboju /FFF Mannheim ging Zafar Mohsen 75 kg und Laimonas Mockus auch 75 kg an den
Schon gegen Mitte der ersten Runde machte Laimonas nach einem gelungenen „Takedown“ den
Sack zu,und holte sich den
verdienten Sieg gegen Jakub Marek nach einen harten „ground and pound“ aus der „full mount.< br>“ Zafar Mohsen bestieg als zweites den Octagon.
Mit Ismael Foscarini hatte Zafar einen unglaublich erfahren Fighter als Gegner .
Aber auch Mohsen konnte sich nach guten „Takedowns“ und fast ständiger Kontrolle seines
Kontrahenten nach Punkten durchsetzen.
Beide Kämpfe waren technisch sehr anspruchsvoll und damit auch schön anzuschauen.
Kein Wunder also,daß das Publikum dies auch mit stehenden Ovationen belohnt hat.
Geschrieben : NtD
Ifc 10
Am 01.09.18 fand in Saarbrücken die zehnte Veranstaltung von Integra Fc in der
Saarlandhalle statt.
Wie von Integra gewohnt wieder hochkarätige internationale „fighter“ eingeladen ,die
klasse Kämpfe ablieferten und somit das Publikum begeistern konnten.
Hier an dieser Stelle auch mal ein großes Kompliment an die Organisatoren von
Integra, die wie immer auch dieses Event in jeder Hinsicht professionell gemanagt
Der erste KIBOJU/FFF Mannheim Krieger der für uns in den Ring stieg ,war Illia
Cistjakov (-61kg) .
Illia nahm an dem Amateur Grand Prix teil.
Er machte an diesem Abend den „fight“ seines Lebens.
Die erste Runde klar gewonnen ,die zweite Runde knapp verloren.
Trotz einer, der wohl besten Kämpfe verlor er die dritte und damit
Runde knapp nach Punkten ,gegen den späteren Sieger des
Turniers Mohammad Makraou.
Die Redaktion meint: das schreit geradezu nach einem Rückkampf....
Unser zweiter Mann ,der für KIBOJU/FFF die Arena betrat ,war Zafar Mohsen
,seines Zeichens ,Gewinner des Integra Grand Prix Championchip Turniers 2018
in der 75 kg Klasse.
Er hatte bei der Veranstaltung in Wittlich für einen fulminanten Auftritt gesorgt, in
dem er zwei hochdekorierte Gegner besiegte.
Kein geringerer als Danijel Solaja mehrfacher Weltmeister im Kickboxen und Jabrail
Dulatov Ex Integra champion,mussten sich von dem 23 jährigen
KIBOJU-Krieger geschlagen geben.
Nun stellte sich die Frage,konnte Zafar Mohsen an diesen Siegen anknüpfen?
Er konnte......
In diesem professionellen fight gelang es Mohsen seinen Kontrahenten ,
Yasin Bodinka (75kg) nach kurzem Schlagabtausch in den Ringstaub zu schicken und
ihn nach nur 28 Sekunden mit einem brutalen „ground and pound“ in Runde 1
„ko“ zu schlagen.
Nach diesen eindrucksvollen Vorstellungen ,ist es einfach an der Zeit Zafar Mohsen
auf internationaler Ebene kämpfen zu lassen, um die MMA Welt auf einen Mann
vorzubereiten ,der Geschichte schreiben wird.
Geschrieben: Ntd
Siegreich bei Integra

Am 05.05.18 fand in Wittlich, Integra Fc 9 statt.
Eine gut organisierte und damit auch gelungene Veranstaltung ,die die Macher von Integra Fc im
Eventum in Wittlich, da aus dem Boden gestampft haben.
Eine Mischung von zwei kompletten Turnieren und den späteren „pro fights“ ,machten diese
Veranstaltung zu einem MMA Genuss.
Für Kiboju /FFF Mannheim ging Zafar Mohsen an den Start.
Er kämpfte in dem ja schon erwähnten Amateur Turnier bis 74,8 kg.
Sein erster Gegner sollte kein geringerer als Danijel Solaja seines Zeichen mehrfacher Kick und
Taiboxweltmeister sein,sowie Jabrail Dulahtov , Champion von Integra Fc.
Beide Kämpfe von Zafar glichen sich sehr stark.br> Das lag auch daran, das beide Gegner teilweise erheblich größer waren als unser Fighter und beide br>den klassischen Standkampf bevorzugen.
pound zu traktieren und wenn möglich zu submitten.
Zafar hat die von uns ausgegebene Taktik wirklich eins zu eins umgesetzt und mit unglaublich viel
Kampfes Willen beide Gegner nach Punkten besiegen können.
Er darf sich jetzt zu recht „Grand Prix Champion „nennen
Als weiteren Bonus wurde ihm als Gewinner des Turnieres einen Kampf bei „M1 global“ in
So darf man gespannt sein ,wie es mit der MMA Karriere des jungen Kibojufighters weiter geht.
An diesem Abend jedenfalls, ist er über sich hinausgewachsen und hat sich mit unglaublich viel
Engagement ,angesichts seiner hochkarätigen Gegner ,ein kleines MMA Denkmal setzen können.
Geschrieben : NtD
Age of cage 13
Hauptkampf des Abends (Schwergewicht)
Am 18.03.18 hat Maciej Gasiorek gegen Iri Seferagic für einen Sieg ,gleich in der ersten Runde
Der Kiboju fighter besiegte seinen Kontrahenten via TKO durch ein gnadenloses ground and
pound.,nach nur einer Minute und zwölf Sekunden.
Geschrieben : NtD
FEN 19
Am Samstag den 14.10.17 hat unsere Kampf Amazone Rafaela Milner in Breslau gegen Magdalena
Rak auf der Veranstaltung FEN 19 gekämpft.
Magdalena Rak ist ihres Zeichens Weltmeisterin im Kickboxen und Taiboxen.
Rafaela mehr der grappling specialist.
Erwartungsgemäß hat sich dieser Kampf dann auch so gestaltet.
Trotz der guten take downs und einem beinahe mata leon seitens Milner konnte sich die polnische
Weltmeisterin knapp mit Kickboxen nach Punkten durchsetzen und so den Sieg für sich verbuchen.
Fairerweise muss man aber hier noch erwähnen daß unsere Kiboju Kriegerin den Kampf erst drei
Tage vorher angeboten bekommen hat und das auch noch in der höheren Gewichtsklasse bis 57 kg
,in der Milner eigentlich nicht zu hause ist.
Fazit : Kompliment an Rafaela Milner die trotz der Widrigkeiten nicht gezögert hat den Kampf
anzunehmen,sondern ihn auch noch maßgeblich mitbestimmt hat.
Alles in allem war es ein spannender fight und eine klasse Veranstaltung.
Geschrieben :NtD
Hafenkeilerei in Heilbronn
Heilbronn /08.07.17/altes E-Werk.
Klasse Veranstaltung ,super Kämpfe und das gleich bei der Premiere.
Besser hätte es für die Veranstalter nicht laufen können.
Der einzige wirklich große Unterschied zur Mannheimer Hafenkeilerei ,ist hier der
„cage“ gewesen ,der in Heilbronn Austragungsort der Kämpfe war.
In Mannheim wurde bis dato in einem Ring gekämpft.
Für KIBOJU gingen an den Start Raffaela Milner ,die gegen die Polin Barbara
Nalepka kämpfen sollte.
Wie erwartet stürmte die Polin mit heftigen Tritten und Schlägen auf Raffaela zu,die
sich aber gut zu verteidigen wusste und ihre Kontrahentin geschickt mit direkten
Kontern,(doublelegs) doch sehr oft zu Boden zwingen konnte ,um dort ihre
Dominanz ausspielen.
So besiegte unsere KIBOJU Amazone die Polin Barbara Nalepka einstimmig nach
Noch eindeutiger gewann unser KIBOJU Krieger Maciej Gasiorek gegen den Polen
Bartosh Stalewski mit Armbar nach 0:32 Sekunden in Runde 1

Oklahoma /25.07.17/ Siver vs Penn./Federgewichts-Division
Nach zweijähriger Ringpause endlich wieder....Dennis Siver zurück im Octagon der
Zweimal wurde der Kampf angesetzt und kurzfristig wieder gecancelt.
Doch am 25.07.17 waren die Götter gnädig gestimmt und der Kampf fand dann im
Rahmen der UFC fight night 112, in Oklahoma city doch noch statt.
Die gute Vorbereitung machte sich für Siver letztendlich bezahlt.
Konditionell und taktisch ,war er dem ehemaligen zweifachen Weltmeister klar
Die Prämisse von Anfang an Druck zu machen und das Heft erst gar nicht aus der
Hand zu geben,war der richtige Weg um Penn in die Knie zu zwingen.
Bis auf einem kleinen Fauxpas in der zweiten Runde ,ein „knockdown“ Sivers ,den
aber BJ nicht wirklich für sich nutzen konnte ,war Dennis einfach der Schlag stärkere
und aktivere Mann im Octagon.
Das machte sich natürlich auf den Punktezetteln der Ringrichter bemerkbar.
So gewann Siver den Kampf ,der über die vollen drei Runden ging und meist im
Stand geführt wurde, nach Punkten.
Geschrieben :NtD
We love MMA

Am 22.04.17 fand die Veranstaltung „We love MMA „in der Friedrich Ebert Halle in Ludwigshafen statt.
Für KIBOJU stieg Paata Tschapelia in den Oktagon.
Sein Gegner an diesem Abend war der Bodenspezialist Kevin Hangs.
Hier sei im Nachhinein noch einmal großer Lob und Dank an beide Kämpfer ausgesprochen , da
dieser Kampf nicht nur der“ fight of the night“ war, sondern dieser bout eigentlich nur zustand
kam, da der ursprüngliche Gegner von Hangs abgesagt hat.
Um das Publikum nicht zu enttäuschen willigte Hangs ein, gegen den zwar leichteren, aber immer
motivierten Paata in der Klasse bis 77 kg zu fighten.
Diese Entscheidung war genau die richtige.
2 x 5 Minuten Action pur !!!!!
Paata brillierte mit gutem stand up ,unverschämt harten low kicks ,guten groundescapes und einem
soliden ground and pound.
Hangs widerum gelang es häufig Paata zu takedownen und ihn mit seinen Bein und Fersenhebeln
immer wieder in ernste Bedrängnis zu bringen.
Für mich einer der spannendsten Kämpfe die ich je gesehen habe......
Mit standing ovation gewann schließlich Paata Tschapelia den Kampf mit einem hauchdünnen
Den Kampf kann man übrigens unter“ranfighting.de“ anschauen.
Geschrieben von : NtD
Fünfte Hafenkeilerei
Am Sa.den 10.12.16 fand in der alten Seilerei in Mannheim die fünfte Hafenkeilerei statt.
Für das Team KIBOJU ein voller Erfolg.
Vier Kämpfe,vier Siege.und der Kampf des Abends.
Was will man mehr!?
So kann es weiter gehen.....
Laimonas Mockus (KIBOJU) gewinnt gegen Steffen Stäbler durch TKO /-73 kg
Ilia Cisjakov (KIBOJU)gewinnt gegen Kaly Toure via decision /-61kg
Jonas schmitt (KIBOJU)gewinnt gegen Jaroslaw Altergott via decision /-86kg
Paata Tschapelia (KIBOJU) gewinnt sogar mit dem Kampf des Abends gegen Arkadiusz
Wroblewski durch KO /-71kg
geschrieben von : NtD
Paata Tsxapelia, our georgian KIBOJU fighting machine has won at the event Age of
Cage ,on the 23 Oktober in Stuttgart.,in the LKA Longhorn.
He defeated his opponent the Tschetschenian Anzor Kerimov in the second round by
Mata Leon.
Written by NtD
Respect 17
On the17.09.16 Respect 17 took place in Karlsruhe.
Short resume: Paata Tsxapelia (KIBOJU) has won against Amir Khlihi in the second round
because of doctors decision.This fight was very tough, but fair.It was excited until the last moment.
Good stand up,good sumission attempts, and a brutal ground and pound......
Raffaela Millner (KIBOJU) has lost against Nicole Stoll.very close with points.
This fight went to the distance over 3x5 minutes and was very exciting as well
Written by NtD
Respect .Fc Caged 2
19.12.15 Karlsruhe
Ken Antwi Adjei ( KIBOJU ) has lost over points ,with unanimous decision against Sylwester
Written by: NtD
Bukarest ,14.12.15
Florin Gardan (KIBOJU) defended his title on points ,sucessfully against Ioan Vranceanu.
Written by : NtD
Hafenkeilerei 4
on the 12.12.2015 the Hafenkeilerei took place in Mannheim .
the KIBOJU fighters are Konstantin Ivanov, Ciprian Theodorus und Jonas Schmitt who made, the
Main event .
Konstantin Ivanov has lost against Victor Kessler by tko
Ciprian Theodorus has lost against Andrius Liudvinavicius by submission
Jonas Schmitt has won against Pascal Kloser by submission
written by: NtD
RFC Respect Fighting Championchip14
On the 19.11.2015
Jonas Schmitt has won on points against Nihad Nasufovic with unanimous decision in round three.
Written by : NtD
7. November 2015
Breslau, Polen
Marcin Zontek wins against. Tassilo Lahr (KIBOJU) on points
written by : NtD
Strenght and Honor 11
Results of the event
Tassilo Lahr (KIBOJU) vs Nils van Noord = draw decision
Ilia Cistjakov( KIBOJU) lost by TKO against Gerado Fanny
Gianni Massafra (KIBOJU) won against Jamie Gaastmann
Geschrieben: NtD
Respect 14
On the 19.09.15 Respect 14 took place in Karlsruhe.
Three KIBOJU fighters fought at that evening.
Marcel Rousek (KIBOJU) vs Robin Salahi
Jonas Schmitt (KIBOJU) vs Nihad Nasufovic
Florin Gardan (KIBOJU) vs Bartoluzzi
All those fights have been very interesting,but finally only Jonas Schmitt could keep the KIBOJU
flag flying high,and could leave the event as a winner.
Written by NtD
Aggrelin 8
On Sunday the 06.09.15 the MMA event Aggrelin 8 took place in Munich .
Quincy Dwamena ,who fought for KIBOJU, had to give up because of an injury at the ende of
round one,although he leads with points,against his opponent Francisco de Souza.
Written by NtD
Respect FC 13
results of Respect FC 13 in Karlsruhe am 18.07.15
Tassilo Lahr ( KIBOJU) lost with points against Johnas Billstein
Konstantin Ivanov ( KIBOJU) lost with KO against Daniel Dörrer
Ken Antwi-Adjei ( KIBOJU ) wins with KO against Frank Wolk
UFC Fight Night 69
On the 20.06.15 the UFC Fight Night 69 took place in Berlin in the O2 arena
The KIBOJU fighter Dennis Siver fought Tatsuja Kawajiri.
This close fight went to the distance,and ended with a victory for Kawarjiri.
The KIBOJU fighter Dennis Siver was beaten this evenig with a unanimous decision from 28 to 29
Written by : NtD
Vote MMA 3
on the 30.05.15 the third Vote MMA took place in the Eissporthalle in Rheine near by Osnabrück
all four KIBOJU fighters did a stellar performance,and could leave the octagon victorious.
Ken Antwi Adjei has won against Andris Galaida by TKO in the second round.
Jonas Schmitt defeated Sascha Ernst in the first round by TKO .
Thassilo Lahr could win by points against Wilfried Edmund in the co main event.
Finally ,Florian Gardan has won in the mainevent against Shely Santana by split decision.
Written by: NtD
scandal judgement at GMC 6
At the 18.05.15 the GMC 6 took place in the Europahalle in Castrop Rauxel.
Our KIBOJU fighter was the joung talent Tassilo the „Tai tank“ Lahr.He fouhgt the famous Andreas
„big Daddy“Kraniotakes in the light heavyweight division.
At the beginning of the first round ,big daddy could keep Tassilo on the distance with some weak
chaps.This was a clever tactic but finally Kraniotakes took a couple of big punches to the head.
From now on Lahr took advantage of the fight. His stand up was pretty much better.And even
Kraniotakes typical tactics ,pinning the opponent on the fence did not work,because Lahr was able
to takedown big daddy in each round at the fence and
punished him with a following ground and pound.At the end of the third and last round the ringbell saved Kraniotakes of a premature defeat.
As usual the Tai tank dropped him down and punished him with big elbows on the ground.
Tassilo climbed the backmount of Kraniotakes . From than on there was no escape for big daddy
anymore. As i mentioned only the ring bell could save Kraniotakes from his first defeat in his first
light heavyweight debut.
And now the scandal judgement: winner over points ,Andreas Kraniotakes ,unanimous decision.
This judgement was really unfair, and even the public rewarded this decision with buh call.
Now, let us summarize.
1. nearly all important kickbox actions were made by Tassilo Lahr.
2. All Takedowns were made by Tassilo Lahr
3. any ground and pound was made by Tassilo Lahr
So I ask myself what do you really need to win at GMC ?
To be honest with you , I dont know.
I myself travelled all over the world in terms of MMA but only rarely I have seen such a wrong decision
I recommend the organizer of GMC ,that they should rethink the scandal judgement and correct it.
Otherwise this wrong decision will cast a shadow over the whole event and GMC could be equated
with fraud . This doesn t deserve neither the organisation nor the MMA sports.
Written by NtD = ( Niko Sulenta)
Respect Fc 12
11.04.15 time for the 12 event of Respect Fc.
The event took place in the Bayer Halle in Wuppertal
In the light heavyweight division ,the KIBOJU fighter Quinzi Dwamena fought hist opponent
the austrian guy Mathias Martic.
How to be expected, right from the beginning Quinzi Dwamena dictated the fight .
At the end of round one ,a wild brawl and a little knockdown for Quinzi happened.
During the ring break the KIBOJUfighter told us, that he can´t move his left hand anymore,
and that it is probably broken.
Against the advise of the corner Dwamena nevertheless tried to keep on fighting.
A last desperately attempt ,to put his austrian opponent to the ground, failed.
Now Martic took advantage of this situation.After a brutal ground and pound the bull
Dwamena had to give up the fight in the second round, because of an injury.
Unfortunately it confirmed the assumtion of a broken hand Dwamenas in the hospital.
So the KIBOJU team wishes Quinzi that he gets well soon.
Written by NtD
Age of cage
At the 30.01.15 Age of cage took place the fourth time in Stuttgart.
Unfortunately our KIBOJU fighter Florian Saban has lost against Zayndi Erznukaev in the second
round by TKO .
Our second fighter Abu Dzamaldaev could go to the distance ,but finally he lost against his
opponent Dustin Stoltzfus by unanimous decision.
Geschrieben von NtD
UFC Boston
18.01.15 Boston Massachusets ,main event
Dennis Siver lost against Connor Mc Gregor in the second round by TKO.
Geschrieben von NtD
RXF 15
At the 15.12.14 the event RXF 15 took place in Bucarest .Florin Gardan fought for KIBOJU .His
opponent was Bogdan Barbu.This fight was about the championship -65 kg. It was a tough fight and this
bout goes to the distance.Winner and champion -65 kg is our KIBOJU fighter Florin Gardan.
Written by NtD
Mannheimer Hafenkeilerei Nr 3
On saturday the 13.12.14 the 3.Hafenkeilerei took place in the alten Seilerei in Mannheim.This time we
had three KIBOJU newcomers who had no MMA experiences. It was to be expected,that the Keilerei
would be a success again. The responsibles had made a lot of effort to satisfy the public.
the first KIBOJU fighter was Quinzi Dwamena who fought against Theodor Keck who had already MMA
experiences.Quinzi the "Bull "Dwamena had dominated his aggressive opponent over the entire three
rounds and finally he knocked him out.Unfotunately Kecks nose was broken. The best
wishes for your health from the KIBOJU team.
The second KIBOJU Warrior was Ciprian Theodorus ,also a MMA rookie.He had to fight against the
experienced Calvin Lyons( 8 MMA fights). After an initially spanking attack from Lyons, Ciprian got used
to the striking of his opponent and countered very clever with good doublelegs. He slammed Lyons on
his back and finished the bout over three rounds with a huge ground and pound.Ciprian
was victorious on points.
The last KIBOJU warrior was Konstatin Ivanov who had also no MMA experiences .His opponent was
Albert Shala (one MMA fight). One round of most brutal striking ,until an illegal knee to Konstantins head
puts an early end in the first round.Because of the deep cut on the head
of the KIBOJU fighter it was
impossible to keep on fighting . Victor because of disqualification of Sala is our KIBOJU
fighter Konstatin Ivanov.
Written by NtD
Fighting zone ( title fight)
Unfortunately our twenty year old Tassilo Lahr losst against a strong Michal Fijalka after 4 Rounds in Prag
at the 10.12.14
Written by NtD
Fair FC 2
With a strong police presence the MMA event Fair FC took place at the 1.11.14 in Osnabrück in the Bayer
Sporthalle. KIBOJU was presented by our fighter Johnas Schmitt. After a short stand up fight the KIBOJU
warrior was able to fix his oponente Rochel Gumuljo at the fence and to takedown him.Now Johnas was
in the full guard of Gumuljo . In the following ground and pound an ellbow cuts Johnas front head very
badly. So the fight took a premature end. The winner is Rochel Gumuljo because of a doctors decision.
written by NtD
Vote MMA
At the 31.10.14 the Vote MMA event took place in Osnabrück in the Discothek Mirage .The KIBOJU
fighters have been ,Ilia Chistjakov and Florin Gardan who had the main event this evening.Unfortunately
Chistjakov could not win against his opponent Sergej Krämer although the fight was a technically
excellent and exciting .So the local heroe won the fight by Trianglechoke in the first round.
Totaly different was the fight of his
colleague Florin Gardan (KIBOJU).Florin was able to control his opponent Mathia Bartolucci in the Stand up and on the ground as well.So it was no wonder that
Gardan finished his opponent in the second round with a sidechoke.
written by NtD
Legion FC 4
At the 12.10.14 the fourth time the Legion FC took place in Grünsfeld.Johnas Schmitt and Thassilo Lahr
have been the fighters from KIBOJU.
Johnas Schmitt could assert himself against his french opponent and kickboxchampion Yoan Bournier .
After three rounds and awesome takedowns and a good ground and pound he has won by
points.After this fight we are curious now, how is going on with our young talent.
Even the twenty year old Thassilo Lahr could win against his opponent the powerhouse and champion
Nihad Nasufovic , in a battle over three rounds .This fight was a cruiser weight fight and
the main event of the evening.No chance for the champion to resist against the huge
takedowns and ground and pound from Thassilo Lahr.So the KIBOJU warrior could win the fight over
three rounds by unanimous decision.
written by : NtD
Casino Fight Night 2
At the 11.10.14 the Casino Fight Night 2 took place in Luzern . Florin Gardan ( KiBoJu Mannheim)
unfortunately could not win against his opponent Patrik Berisha .After a good start the luck turns
against Florin.At the end of round one Berisha was able to choke out Gardan with a Mata Leon .
written by : NtD
UFC Fightnight 53
At the 04 10.14 the Ufc Fightnight 53 took place in Stockholm .Dennis Siver( KIBOJU ) could convince all
the critcs after a three round war.Most of the time, Siver controlled the underestimated Charles
Rosa. The ground game of rosa was outstanding, especially the ankle locks have been very
dangerous.But the routined Siver could escape all of theese traps and could make it even
better.The stand up of both fighters has been great as well. So it was clear that the UFC awarded this
fight for the fight of the night.This battle was over three rounds and Dennis Siver became victor
by unanimous decision. He shows everybody that he is back on track.
written by : NtD
Showdown Fight Night 1
On the 07.06.14 the Showdown Fight Night 1 in the Capitol in Mannheim took place.threeof our KIBOJU fighters took part in this event.
Ilia Cistjakov (KIBOJU) vs Wisam Mamoka
It was a short but exciting fight. In this bout Ilia lost against Mamoka ,because of his stronger
pysicality, by armbar , at the end of round one.
All the time,I had the impression that Mamoka doesn´t belong in this weightclass.
Florin Gardan (KIBOJU ) vs Safak Aktop
Gardan won the fight after an overhand right and a following brutal ground and pound.The
referee stopped the fight at the right moment
Tassilo Lahr ( KIBOJU) vs Mathias Matic
The 20 jear old Tassilo won the fight by a huge ground and pound at the end of round one.At
the beginning his opponent could defend against the Boxing and Takedowns from
Tassilo,but finally he was with out a chance against te excellent G+P
The refery stopped the fight at the end of round one.
written by NtD
Caged MMA
At the 24.05.14 the event Caged MMA took place in KarsruheAll of our fighters has been successful
Tassilo Lahr (KIBOJU) defeated Filip Bradaric in the cruiserweight on points
Ilia Cistjakov (KIBOJU) defeated Chaerfedin Mactar in the Bantamweight on points
Written by : NtD

At the 12.04.14 the MAXFC took place in Sempach (switzerland). The event contains a grappling tornament.At eight o clock in the evening they continued with 15 further high quality MMA and taibox fights.
Ilia Cistjakov was the grappling fighter for the KIBOJU-Team in the weightclass up to 70 kg.
Ilia terminated his first opponent with "Mata leon", the second one with "Giutine" and finally he
won the final by points and became champion in his weightclass in this tournament.
The second grappler of the KIBOJU-Team is our newcommer Ciprian Wossmann in the
weightclass up to 94 kg. He came in the final as well, with awesome takedowns and two
victories .Unfortunately he lost the third fight by points an got the second place.
The highlight of the evening was the MMA fight of our third KIBOJU warrior. The nineteenyear
old Tassilo Lahr defeats Robert Keulig from Dresden at the end of round one with "re nacked
choke". Shortly after the first blows and a nice doubleleg takedown every spectator was clear,
that this joung man from Mannheim was willing to win . His good ground and pound an finally
his" re naked choke" finished the battle. Now we are very curious how is going on with the
career of this extraordinary athlete of the KIBOJU Freefight Team.
Written: NtD

Cage X FC
At the 05.04.14 the Cage X FC took place in Lichtenstein .Our fighter was Tomislav Iverac inweightclass up to 93 kg. In the second round Tommi could win the fight against his opponent
Igor Descu , with a Giutine choke. Again he could proof his outstanding grappling skills in this
MMA fight , to the spectators. By the way ,this MMA fight was a titlefight .
And from now on we can call our KIBOJU warrior European pro Champion 2014.
Written by NtD
UFC 168 28.12.13
Dennis Siver won in the featherweight(67kg) against Manny Gamburian in Las Vegas on points.written by NtD
Mannheimer Hafenkeilerei 2 06.12.13
Ilia Cistjakov (KIBOJU) won in the weightclass up to (66kg) against David Neubauer in Mannheim on
written by NtD
RNC-MMA-Gala 30.11.13
Jonas Schmitt (KIBOJU) won in the light heavyweight( 86kg) against Mikhail Maikyvlov by Re naked
written by NtD
Defendersfc 2 27.07.13
Ilia Cistjakov (KIBOJU) lost in the Bantamweight(60kg) against Magomed Makaev in Stuttgart by
written by NtD
UFC 162 06.07.13
Dennis Siver (KIBOJU) lost in the featherweight(67kg) against Cub Swanson in Las Vegas by ko.
written by NtD
AFSO Birthday Gala 17.06.13
Jonas Schmitt (KIBOJU) wins in the light heavyweight against Nepharidze Gocha on points.
written by NtD
35.outsider cup
at the 04.05.13 the 35. outsider cup took place in Heidelberg.
the Kiboju fighter was Jonas Schmitt (86 kg)
after a short stand up scrap just at the beginning of the fight,jonas could
take his opponent,the russian Konstatin Bolda to the ground
and could finish him with a mata leon after e few minutes in the first round.
written by: NtD
UFC 162
After a long injury time Dennis Siver returns back into the octagon. His opponent is Cub Swanson.
The event will take place on the 06.07.13 in Las Vegas-Nevada in the Grand Garden Arena.
Who want´s to be there live should order tickets on time at the UFC homepage
Written by NtD
Victorious at the Submissao in Karlsruhe 2013
On Sunday the 24.02.13 the Submissao took place in Karlsruhe once again.
As the last year a lot of famous fighters from the BJJ and submission wrestling came and took part in
this event. The KIBOJU –fighter Robert Karkusov (80 kg) took the first place in this
tournament after he has done four tough fights
Written by : NtD
KK8-Kombat Komplett
The KK8-Kombat Komplett event took place at the 02.02.13 in Baumholder.Our KIBOJU Fighter in the
middle weight , Abu Dzamaldaev fought the local heroe Richard Ibraimi.The fight went to the
distance and ended with a victory (unanimous decision) for Abu Dzamaldaev.
Written by: NtD
Cancellation of Dennis Siver´s fight
Unfortunately the KIBOJU fighter Dennis Siver had to cancel his UFC-fight at the 16.02.13 against Cub
Swanson because of a knee injury. He had to go under the knife but he is on the way to
recover.Probably he will be able to fight again in the early summer.
Written by : NtD
Result oft the UFC 151 and the preview on the UFC at 16.02.13
Dennis Siver wins the octagon battle against Nam Phan with unanimous decision. From the first until
the third round our KIBOJU warrior controlled his opponent in the stand up. Aggressive
kickboxcombinationes made it impossible for Nam to find his rhythm.With two nice
singlelegtakedownes and a brutal ground and pound Siver proved his dominance on the ground as
Because Dennis has no injuries from this fight ,he is able to go back into the octagon at 16.02.13. His
opponent is Cub Swanson, a topcontender ,a really good allrounder und with 170 cm as
tall as Dennis Siver . The fight is the co-mainevent of the evening. The fight record of the Californian guy
is 18-5-0 the fight record of Dennis is 21-8-0. Swanson is 29 jears old ,4 jears younger than
Who want´s to be there live should order tickets on time at the homepage of the UFC
Data: 16.02.13 / London England / Wembley Arena
Written by: NtD
1.Mannheimer Hafenkeilerei
The first Mannheimer Hafenkeilerei (mix fight gala) was sold out at the 8.12.12 in the alten Seilerei in
Three members of the mma KIBOJU Team took part.
Ken Bam Bam defeated Rhuadan Mc Feden
Abu Dzamalder defeated Daniel Müßig
Jonas Schmidt lost against Peter Fath
In our opinion all fights have been a success for the KIBOJU team.That includes the fight Jonas
Schmidt against Peter Fath as well.After seeing and discussing the fight, we are sure that Jonas
Schmidt has won the first and third round,and has lost the second round.Because of this analysis the
leadership of the KIBOJU team protested officially against the result of this fight.
Written by: NtD
New supplement for the UFC 151
Eddie Yagin the opponent of Dennis Siver has a bad injury from training.
He is not able to fight at the 08.12.12.
A new opponent was determined by the matchmakers.
His name is Nam Phan. He is an American ,originally comming from Vietnam.
Phan is 29 jears old and has a fightrecord of 18 wins and 10 losses.
The US boy is specialist in Taekwondo ,Karate and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
So the Californian Phan has the best qualifications to make a good fight with Dennis Siver.
The event will still take place at the 08.12.12 in Seatle ( USA ) at UFC on fox 5
Written by : NtD
UFC 151
At the 01.09.12 the UFC 151 will take place at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas.br> This time our KIBOJU-WARRIOR Dennis Siver will fight the theUS guy from Hawai
Eddie Yagin. His fighting record is 16 wins , 5 losses and 1 draw.
With 33 years Eddie is at the same age as Dennis.
The fighting record of Siver is 20 wins and 8 losses.
A little reach advantage an the experience of Siver could be the deciding factor in this
featherweight bout,and could lead him to victory.
Who wants to be there live, should order tickets on time at the homepage from the UFC.
Dates: 01.09.12/ Las Vegas - USA / Mandalay Bay /Eventcenter
Written by : NtD

UFC in Sweden postfight
Unanimous decision, so scored the judge the featherweight- bout between Dennis Siver and his
opponent ,the Brasilian Diego Nunes, in Stockholm at a sold out arena.
In our opinion this debut was very successful because the weightcut works, and Dennis followed our
gameplan of doing infights and takedowns out of the middle of the cage.
So the first two rounds Dennis won impressively.In the third and last round Nunes could cut Dennis
eyebrow with two knees out of the tai clinch.
This action looks very dangerous, but couldn´ t change the result of the fight.
With this impressive victory for Dennis , it is needles to ask whether it was a good decision to change
from the lightweight to the featherweight.
After a long weightclass- odyssey now Dennis has come , where he belongs to, in the 145 pound
You only can congratulate him ,and we hope that it goes on like this and perhaps he will get a
titleshot in the very next future.
Written by NtD
UFC in Sweden
At the 14th. of april 2012 the UFC on Fuel TV2 will take place in the Ericsson Globe Arena in
Stockholm, Sweden.
This time the KIBOJU warrior Dennis Siver (19-8) will make his debut in the featherweight division
(145 pound) against the Brazilian Diego Nunes (17-2) .
Probably this fight will be a first class stand up battle which is placed on the maincard
Written by NtD
UFC 137 At the 29.10.11 the UFC 137 will take place at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas.
This time our KIBOJU-WARRIOR Dennis Siver will fight the famous and former Canadian
Kickbox und Muay Thai Champion Sam "the hands of stone" Stout.
The fighting style of both fighters is very similar.
Probably most of the fight will be a typical "stand up fight"
In my opinion this "octagon war" won´t last the whole three rounds,because both of these
guys have enough power in their hands and feets to finish it early.
Who wants to be there live, should order tickets on time at the homepage from the UFC.
Dates: 29.10.11/ Las Vegas - USA / Mandalay Bay /
Written by : NtD
UFC 132 Las Vegas.
Unanimous decision, so the judges gave the victory for Dennis Siver against his opponent
Matt Wiman
Siver got the first and the third round because of his good stand up skills, only the second
round, Matt Wiman could win because of a great ground and pound.
In this round Siver got two cuts on his forehead.
The german got the victory because of his great kickboxing and a incredible takedowndefense
over the whole three rounds.
With this fight Dennis Siver could be a contender now for a title shot.
Written by : NtD
UFC 132 At the 02.07.11 our KIBOJU-Fighter Dennis Siver will be back into the octagon
His opponent will be the American Matt Wiman.
He has a fighting record of 13 wins and 5 losses
Matt is a submission expert with a forward surge in the stand.
As well he has a good ground and pound and a unbelievable will to win.
In any case he is a real challenge for Dennis Siver.
Who want`s to be there live should order tickets on time.
Dates: UFC 132 / 02.07.11 / Las Vegas USA / MGM Grand Garden Arena
Written by: NtD
Winner at the UFC 127 20.000 australien fans cried for their local hero George Sotiropoulos .But our KIBOJU
WARRIOR Dennis Siver an outsider in Australia made one of his best fights in his mma
career . Already in the first round it was clear that those fighter will win who stick to his
gameplan.That means that Dennis had to fight in the stand and George had to bring that fight
down to the ground.
During all that fight Dennis dominated his opponent with good kickboxing.
Siver countered the takedownattempts from George Sotiropoulos with great escapes and as I
mentioned with good kickboxing combinationes.
In the first round the german knocked George almost out.
After three rounds the judge nominated Dennis for the victor in this fight.
I think a titlefight for Siver could be possible in the very next future.
Written by: NtD
UFC 127 At the 27.02.11 our KIBOJU-WARRIOR Dennis Siver will be back into the octagon
His opponent will be the submissionspecialist George Sotiropoulos.
He has a fighting record of 14 wins and only two losses
At the end of his last 8 fights the australien guy could leave the octagon as a victor.
Moreover the last 7 of his 8 fights have been UFC-fights.
The winner of this fight may hope to be a contender for a titlefight in the future.
Who want`s to be there live should order tickets on time.
Dates: UFC 127 / 27.02.11 / Sydney-Australien / Acer Arena
Written by: NtD
Victory at the UFC 122 The house was sold out and Dennis Siver won against Andre Winner from England.
Just at the beginning it was clear that our golden boy was stronger in the infight,because he
has more and better punches.
But Andre winner hits him as well,especially with his strong right lowkicks.
Both fighter show their perfect kickboxing skills.
Interrupted was this standup fight only by a singlelegtakedown attempt from Siver but Andre
was able to defend that.
After a short explosive attack from the british guy siver counterd this with a left hook and sent
Andre down to the ground. A following strong ground and pound hurts the english fighter
very much. After 3,77 minutes at the first round siver submitted Andre Winner with a
wonderful rear naked choke,and brought that fight to an early end.
By the way ,Dennis got for that fight as a reward ,the submission of the night
Written by: NtD
KIBOJU-TEAM at the UFC 122 It´s time again for the KIBOJU - Warrior Dennis Siver ,going back to the octagon.
The UFC 122 will take place on saturday the 13.11.10 in the König Pilsener Arena in
Oberhausen Germany .His opponent is Andre Winner from the Team” Rough House” from
England, a typical stand up fighter with a good takedown defense and a figting record of 11
wins only 4 losses and one draw
Who want´s to be there live and watch the fight,should book tickets immediately on the
Written by: NtD
Victory in Las Vegas At the tuf 11 final our KIBOJU fighter Dennis Siver has won against the favourite Spencer Fisher.
This fight was over three rounds. It was a hard “stand up fight”
And in the end it was an unanimous decision: victory for Dennis Siver.
This decision was justified because Dennis made more good kicks und punches and set more
pressure on his opponente. It was Dennis who determined the fight.
Even a headbutt from the american in the first round and some lowkicks in dennis “balls”
couldn´t stop him from winning the fight.
So we hope to stay successfull for the next future in the UFC.
Written by: NtD
The ultimate fighter We are back !
Our KIBOJU warrior Dennis Siver will fight at “the ultimmate fighter” on 19.06.10 in the
Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas.
His opponent will be the experienced „Spencer Fisher“ an Allrounder with a fighting record
of 24-5
who want´s to be there live should order tickets now.
Contact address: www.ufc.com
Written by: NtD
UFN 21 On wednesday the 31.03.10 our KIBOJU warrior Dennis Siver fought against Ross Pearson
in Charlotte USA in the „Bojungle Arena“
the event was sold out and the fight has been nominated for the fight of the night.
Unfortunately Dennis lost the fight very narrow.
In this night ross pearson was in a better physical shape.
Conclusion: after such a good fight ,I think we will be back and fight again for the UFC.
Written by: NtD
Only 20 Seconds On Friday the 26.02.10 the “Cage Fight Night 6 “took place in Bielefeld
The KIBOJU fighter” Nick the mighty dick Grady” celebrated his second win against his opponent “ Marino van Dijk”
Just after the first „double leg” attempt of the dutchman our “ US Boy” countered with a „Guillotine“ and
won the fight just after 20 seconds with submission. Written by NtD
Ufn 21 KIBOJU-fighter Dennis Siver will go back again into the octagon at Wednesday the 31.03.10 in Charlotte /USA
His opponent will be Ross Pearson the winner of the "Ultimate Fighter Nr.9"
It is a maincardfight and will be transmitted live on TV.
Written by NtD
Victory at the "Outsider-Cup" 16 At Saturday the 30.01.10 the "OC-Cup 16" took place in Düsseldorf.
For KIBOJU fought Nick "the mighty dick" Grady.
His opponent was Selcuk Karabiyik(84kg),one of the best fighter in the year 2009.
It was the first MMA fight for the american Grady(85kg).
His opponent was more experienced with a fighting record of two wins and one draw.
Just at the beginning of the fight the KIBOJU-Warrior Nick tried to do a "double-leg" and
pressed his opponent in the wire netting of the octagon.
Selcuk tried to counter with a "giutine choke" but it faild, because Nick lifted him up and
slamed the turkish guy with full power down to the ground.
Now the american changed into sideposition and gave his opponent a lot of good knees and elbows.
After that,Grady changed into "full mount" and finished the fight at the middle of the first round
with a brutal" ground and pound "
The conclusion of the fight: damned good :-)
Written by NtD

Ko at the UFC 105 Dennis Siver has won against the english guy Paul Kelly at the UFC 105 in Manchester England. Front-Stoppkicks and
boxing combinations made as a counter-attack stopped an wild attacking Paul Kelly.
In this fight the man from Mannheim Germany had the right tactics to win.
At the end of round two the Kiboju-fighter knocked out Paul Kelly with a spinning backkick.
This is the second time in his UFC career that Dennis siver has won the title knock out of the evening.
Now Dennis is unbeaten three times continuously and I think it is time to put him in the next event on the the maincard.
Written by: NtD
UFC 105 Dennis siver returns back to the octagon of the UFC
The event will take place at the 14.11.09 in Manchester England in the M.E.N Arena
His opponent will be the local hero Paul Kelly
He is an allrounder with his speciality a great “ground and pound”
Who want´s to be there live should buy tickets immediately at the webside WWW.UFC.COM
Written by NtD
UFC 99 in cologne Just at the beginning of the fight the german Dennis Siver set the american guy Dale Hartt
under pressure,with good kickboxing combinations.
So Dale changed his tactics and takedowned the german with a doubleleg.
Out of the full guard Dennis countered his opponent with an armbar.
In this almost hopeless situation Dale slammed the german ,but dennis changed his position
once again. Now he was in the halfmount and gave Dale some good elbows.
Out fo this situation the german Dennis Siver got on Dales backmount an won the fight with a
mata leon after 3,20 minutes in the first round.
Written by NtD
UFC 99 Now the time has come. The UFC is the first time in germany.
Obligatory that a MMA fan has to join this event.
It will take place at the 13.06.09 in the Lanxessarena in Cologne.
For KIBOJU will fight our UFC-veteran Dennis Siver who was successfull in his last fight in Ireland with a spectacular KO against
Nate Mohr in the UFC 93.
This time his opponent will be the US american Dale Hartt who won his last fight against Cory Hill.
Ticket presale: www.ufc.com
Written by: NtD

Submissao in Karlsruhe09 On Saturday 14.02.09 the Submissao took place in Karlsruhe once again.
As the last year a lot of famous fighters from the BJJ and submission wrestling came and took part in this event.
The KIBOJU fighters:
1.Neddy -77 Kg
2.Selcuk -87 Kg
3.Enver Bayram -87 Kg
4.Erol Bayram - 93 Kg
All the KIBOJU fighters made really good fights and gave us honour.
Unfortunately not all of our guys could win in this competition.
So, only Enver Bayram took the first place in this tournament,but nevertheless
with this result the KIBOJU- Team can be really happy and be waiting for the Submissauo in the next year.
Written by : NtD
Ko at the UFC 93 Dennis Siver has won against the american Nate Mohr at the UFC 93 in Ireland.
After a good fight the german Dennis Siver took his chance at the end of round three and knocked his opponent out,with a spinning backkick to the body.
As well he has won the title knock out of the evening.
With such a result it would be desirable ,that the UFC would let us fight at their first event in germany, that will take place probably in june this year in cologne
Written by NtD
UFC 93 Dennis siver returns back to the octagon of the UFC
The event will take place at the 17.01.09 in Dublin, Irland in the O2 Dublin Arena
His opponent will be the american Nate Mohr
Written by NtD
bombastically mood at the Mix-Fight Gala at the 25.10.08 in the Böllenfalltorhalle in Darmstadt took place the Mix-Fight Gala 7.
A little specialevent was presented directly at the beginning of the admission.
After a bomb threat the 2000 MMA- fans had to leave the Böllenfalltorhalle immediately.
The majority of the spectators took it easy.
After one hour in the coldness outside the show went on.
Most of the fights were very good and it seems that the bomb threat had no influence to them.
So was the fight from our KIBOJU-warrior Dennis Siver against his opponent the us soldier
Chas Jacquier .
The american fought out of the defensive and used his long reach very clever.
He allways waited for a good chance to counter.
Dennis had strong nerves and was very concentrated. He tried to force him in the corner of the ring and tried to decide the fight there.
Almost at the end of the first round ,the german guy made a good boxing combination, Chas made a “doubleleg” counter against this boxingattack.
Dennis fell down to the ground but he got Chas into a Guillotine.
A few minutes before the end of the first round the american fighter had to tap out,because there was no chance to escape out of the Guillotine.
Written by NtD
Mix-Fight Gala 7 in Darmstadt At the 25.10.08 the Mix-Fight Gala 7 will take place in Darmstadt in the Böllenfalltorhalle (Niederramstädterstr 170)
Dennis Siver our UFC veteran from Mannheim Germany, will fight for KIBOJU
His opponent is an american soldier called “Morbid Angel“ alias Chas Jacquier.
Except this mainevent a lot of other interesting fights in MMA and Muaythaiboxing will be shown.
Ticket presale and more infos ,call: 06151/ 27999 99
Written by NtD
Result of the UFC 86 Dennis Siver lost the fight against Mellvin Guillard in the first round by KO
Written by NtD
KIBOJU-TEAM at the UFC 86 It´s time again for the KIBOJU - Warrior Dennis Siver ,going back to the octagon.
The UFC-86 will take place on saturday the 05.07.08 in the Mandalay Bay Event Center in
Las Vegas His opponent is the "young Assassin " Melvin Guillard a former wrestler champion and
all-rounder from the team of Tito - Ortiz.
The fight record of the american shows us, that he has an experience advantage,but is that
enough to win against a well-trained and full-motivated Dennis Siver?
Who want´s to be there live and watch the fight,should book tickets immediately on the
WWW.UFC.COM page. Written by NtD
Submissao in Karlsruhe On Saturday 16.02.08 the Submissao took place in Karlsruhe once again.
As the last year a lot of famous fighters from the BJJ and submission wrestling came and took part in this event.
The KIBOJU fighters:
1.Remus Intris -77 Kg
2.Vladimir Dzharkalov -77 Kg
3.Hendrik Lautenbach -87 Kg
4.Erol Bayram + 93 Kg
5.Kiril Petrov +97 Kg
All the KIBOJU fighters mad really good fights and gave us honour.
Unfortunately not all of our guys could win in this competition.
So, Kiril Petrov took the second place and Erol Bayram took the first place in this tournament.
With this result the KIBOJU Team can be really happy and be waiting for the Submissauo in the next year.
Written by NtD
New UFC Fight
Dennis Siver is back in the octagon of the UFC
The event will take place at the 23.01.08 in Las Vegas in the Palms Casino Resort
His opponent is Gray Maynard ,a top wrestler from the team of Randy Couture
Who wants to be there live should buy tickets at once on the WWW.UFC.COM page.
Written by NtD
Knock out at the UFC 75
On Saturday the 08.09.07 the UfC 75 took place in London.
Dennis Siver from Mannheim Germany and the submissionspecialist Naoyuki Kotani from
Japan made their second UFC fight under the eyes of 20000 enthusiastic spectators in the
octagon of the o2 arena.
Both fighters lost their first fight in the UFC before,therefore both guys were quiet nervous
because of the pressure of success.
The UFC don`t accept losers, so the motto of this fight was "win or die"
The fight begun very slowly.It was Dennis who want`s to make a fast decision with a good
boxingcombination,but his opponent made a good boxing counterattack too.
Now it was clear that Kotani was not only a submissionsspecialist but a good boxer too.
After this counterattack Kotani took Dennis down to the ground and made a triangle.
Only with a tremendous survival instinct the german could free from this triangle and got
himself in the halfmountposition.
From now on Dennis hits one elbow after another to the head of the samurai .At the end of the
round Kotani needed a medical treatment from the cutman.
At the beginning of the second round the Japanese attacks Siver with a fast
Boxingcombination Dennis made a good counteratack , a Judothrow called Koshi Guruma.
From now on dennis made the fight.
After two minutes in the second round the victory for the man from Mannheim Germany.
With a strong left hook to the chin Dennis Siver knocked the japanese Samurai Naoyuki
Kotani out.
So he got his first victory in the UFC with his most important fight in his MMA-career
Written by: NtD
UFC 75 salutes you
After the defeat from the UFC 70 it´s up to Dennis Siver now to show what he really can do in the octagon.
His opponent Naoyuki Kotani a submission-specialist from Japan makes a good impression at least.
Is the KIBOJU fighter from Mannheim Germany able to compensate the experience advantage of his opponent!?
Who want´s to be there live and watch this octagon war should open the UFC homepage.
There you can buy tickets for the UFC 75
Data: 08.09.07 - UFC 75- London, England
Written by: NtD

Fight night in the Dragons Club in Hügelsheim
On the 02.06.07 a Kick an Taiboxing event took place in the Dragons Club.
For the first time the D.C has been a place for freefight events,
without doubt the highlight of the evening. The contest was about two five minute rounds
The first fight should take place in the cruiser weight division
Christian Pirvu KIBOJU Mannheim vs Mendez Christian Team Panza from France.
This fight did not start because the fighter from france cancelled it in the last moment, without comprehensible reasons.
The highlight of the evening was a MMA fight from the middleweight division.
Vadim Lieder KIBOJU Mannheim and his opponent Heiz Ludovic Team Panza.
From the beginning of the fight the french guy took a lot of good boxing combinationes,from Vadim.
But the man from france counters well. He took the german guy to the ground with a double leg.
Now the KIBOJU-Fighter counters too, with a tremendous sweep.
Out of the full guard position Vadim damaged his opponent with an effective ground and pound.
From now on there was no chance for the french guy to change the situation,
although he made good attempt for doing triangle,armbar and heelhooks.
After three minutes the referee stopped the fight.
And the winner is by TKO Vadim Lieder KIBOJU Mannheim
Written by: NtD
KIBOJU at the UFC 70
On the 21.04.07 the UFC 70 took place in the Men Arena in Manchester England
Dennis Siver und his opponent Jess Liaudin made their first fight
under the eyes of 20000 enthusiastic spectators.
After only 90 seconds the 28 year old german boy from Manneim was submitted by an armbar.
Now for all KIBOJU-Fans don´t worry,
because the next time we will do it better and the next UFC will come surely.
Written by: NtD
Submissao in Karsruhe
On the 24.02.07 the annual Submissao took place in Karlsruhe once again.
This time some famos fighter from BJJ and Submission Wrestling took part again in the event.
Although the the competitors have been very strong the KIBOJU Fighters have been very successful.
Sascha Rankovic -97 kg took the first place and Kiril Petrov +97 kg took the second place in this tournament.
So the KIBOJU Team can be really happy about this success.
The other KIBOJU Fighters Vladimir Dzharkalov -77kg und Sergej Grünwald -97 kg made really good fights too
but the result was not yet enough to get on the winner's pedestal.
But the next Submissao will come and these both fighters will have a good ranking too.
Written by NtD
On the 21.04.07 Dennis Siver (KIBOJU Mannheim) will fight again in the octagon
This time his opponent will be Jess Liaudin an MMA specialist from France.
Will he stopp our KIBOJU - Fighter from Mannheim on his way to honour and glory?
Who want´s to be there live and watch this superfight should open the UFC homepage.
There you can buy a ticket for the UFC 70
Data : 21.04.07 - UFC 70 - Manchester, England
Written by: NtD
New at the KIBOJU-Team
Starting from the 01.03.07 we will offer a training especially for beginners.
The training will take place three times a week (for more information look at the button contact or visit us)
No-Gi-Seminar 2
The second No-Gi-Seminar that took place at 10.02.07 in the KIBOJU trainingscenter was successful too.
High quality techniques ,but nevertheless, the seminar was relaxed all the time.
This was the way Caveirinha (Blackbelt,Gracie Barra) teached us first class Brasilian Jiu Jitsu.
So , the three hours of the seminar passed by very quickly.
After the event we had a strong demand for a new seminar with this brazilien guys.
So we decided immediately to invite them again
We will announce the date for the next seminar in our homepage in the news.
Written by :NtD
No -Gi Seminar with Phillipe "Furao" Della Monica (BJJ Blackbelt)
On Sunday the 17.12.06 a seminar in Brasilian Jiu Jitsu took
place in the sports school Bayer. The master himself respond to our invitation and
teached us his knowledge. All participators noticed that this event in BJJ was first class.
Three hours the master gave us lessons in typical BJJ techniques and training methods.
It is only logical that after such a successful seminar a second one will take place soon.
The exactly date we will announce in the "News" in our homepage.
Written by NtD
Dennis Siver was successful again at the Cage Warriors.
And this time he terminated one of the best in Europe.
Jimmi Wallhead`s strategy was logical.
He wants to avoid the standup and fight Siver on the ground.
This plan worked good because Dennis was almost helpless against the controlled offensive
from the british man. Most of the time Dennis was locked near by the cage ,on the ground.
Round second begun as the first one, but after a mistake from Wallhead ,Dennis could grab
the arm of his opponent and make an armbar.
Up to this moment Wallhead has dominated the fight but Dennis did not surrender all time
long ,so he took advantage of this situation and won the fight.
How long the Cage Warriors management will keep Dennis still away from a title fight !?
We have to see and wait
Written by Ulrich Hupperts
Translation by NtD
At the 30.11.06 the second WFC takes place in Lubiana Slowenia
Again as like the first time some superstars like Pele takes part in this event.
Basic conditions and the fights have been first-class.
Each fight was a little highlight ,especially the fight from Dennis Siver, KIBOJU Mannheim
against Said Khalilov. Rusfihters
The match last three complete rounds.
From the beginning Dennis Siver was successful with a lot of Boxing combinationes.
At the end of the first round his oponent was also successful with some counterattacks too and Dennis was hit really hard.
Three takedown attemts from Dennis leads almost to te end of the fight and made the twentyseven jear old german boy nearly for the winner.
So the judgement goes with 2:1 points for the winner Dennis Siver.
The conclusion of this fight : hard but fair and exciting up to the last moment.
Written by NtD